I was with some of my friends in a different country. It was an arabic country, and they start a revolution to punish the population and they start shooting and we tried to run but first we freeze. we just stay on the flor but is a big fild so no a lot of places to hidei’m with the eyes close on one of the sides and i see how they kill the people that was in the middle of the fild, when but is corssed fire they dont come for us specififly, theni close my eyes and when i open them after a while there is nothing just silance and we here that they went up noth and is the tume to go so we run to our contry, the entrence is some sort of big arch that we slide down but we are afraid they might catch us, when we arrive there we saw on the news that it was indeed to punich thir population but that they where also attakin countris around but not all of them just one in particualr that does not exist in rality leaving the others alone.
This dream may reflect your fear and anxiety about potential dangerous events happening in the world. The location of the dream in a different country with a revolution and shootings suggests a sense of chaos and turmoil. Your freezing and inability to hide may indicate feelings of helplessness and vulnerability in real-life situations you may be facing. The fact that you were with friends in the dream could suggest that you seek comfort and support from people close to you. The news report about the situation being a punishment and the attack on a non-existent country may represent the sense of confusion and misinformation that can exist in times of crisis. Overall, this dream may be highlighting your concerns and fears about the state of the world and your ability to cope with these challenges.